Highest achievable polarization of a magnet.
- A/m = amperes per meter
- Air gap
- Anisotropy
- Anisotropy magnets
- Tesla B
- (B-H)max – value
- Coercive field strength
- Curie temperature
- Demagnetization
- Demagnetization curve
- Diamagnetism
- Eddy current
- Flux density B
- Gauss
- H
- Hysteresis loop
- Induction
- Irreversible
- Isotropic magnets
- Magnetic field strength
- Magnetic flux
- Magnetic pole
- Magnetize
- Magnetizing and demagnetizing
- Maxwell
- Oersted
- Operating point
- Operating temperature
- Permeability
- Polarization
- Preferred direction
- Remanence
- Reversible
- Saturation
- Sintered magnet
- Temperature coefficient
- Tesla
- Weaver